7 partner organisations working in 5 countries
DIGICOR is being implemented in Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Turkey and Romania.
Open for collaboration
Interested organisations can join the project as Associated Partners.
The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Bremen/Germany is the supervisory entity for the prison and probation services in the Federal State of Bremen.
The prison service is a public body designated by law to deal with persons remanded in custody or deprived of their liberty following a conviction made by a judicial authority. Its tasks include ensuring safety and security and organising everyday life in prison, ensuring treatment, which does not infringe the human dignity of prisoners, offering meaningful occupational activities, interventions, thus preparing them for release and reintegration into society.
Within the criminal justice process, the prison services (and probation agencies) are entrusted with executing penal sanctions and measures. The mission of the staff of prison services (and probation agencies) is to significantly contribute to public safety through the safe, secure and humane management of suspects and offenders and the provision of opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration.
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems is a boutique research and consulting firm specialised in the field of justice, penitentiary services, community sanctions and measures, juvenile justice, and law enforcement. We are a silver member of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) and the American Correctional Association (ACA).
IPS management team relies on almost two decades of expertise in policy advisory, strategic consulting, training, e-learning, consultancy and development of information technologies for probation and correctional systems. IPS senior experts have been working since 2002 on Prison Innovation Systems in different countries in Europe, North America and Latin America.
IPS develops integrated projects, supporting change management in complex organisations while developing and implementing programs targeting prison and probation staff, top management and offenders.
The Belgian Prison Service is the largest entity within the Federal Public Service of Justice. In addition to a central administration and two training centres for prison staff, it consists of 35 correctional facilities, of which 17 are located in the Dutch-speaking part, 16 in the French-speaking part and 2 in Brussels.
The Belgian Prison Service guarantees a legally conform, safe, humane and individualised carrying out of custodial sentences and measures with a view to an optimal return to society. The Belgian Prison Service stands for an innovative detention policy where the inmate occupies a central place. Our detention model is based on a balance between dynamic and passive security whereby the rights and obligations of both inmate and staff and the integrity of all employees are guiding principles.

Kahramanmaraş Training Centre (General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses)
Kahramanmaraş Training Center was established in 2006 under the authority General Directorate of Prison and Detention Houses (CTE) within the Ministry of Justice.
Kahramanmaraş Training Center is responsible for educating and training 14,000 staff working in 80 penal institutions and probation offices from 16 cities.
DGRSP is the Portuguese public body responsible for the development of policies for crime prevention, enforcement of sentences and measures and social reintegration and an expert organisation in this specific sectorial field.
- The Directorate General has as its main attributions:
- Provide technical advisory services to the courts, in criminal and guardianship cases, in support of decision-making.
- Carry out punishments and deprivation of liberty, directing intervention to reintegrate the criminal agent into society.
- Carry out penalties and measures in the community applied to adults and social reintegration of crime agents and prevention of recidivism.
- Carry out educational measures in the community or internment applied to young offenders.
- To manage the national prison system.
- To manage the national electronic surveillance system.
- To manage the national network of educational centres.
European Strategies Consulting (ESC) is an independent consultancy company specialised in European and international public policies in the field of social, legal and educational development, providing concept analysis, project design, reform implementation, monitoring and evaluation (including need & impact assessment, benchmarking and comparative research).
The company’s primary focus is criminology and criminal justice, covering issues like prison, probation, electronic monitoring, and so on. The main company services are consultancy, evaluation, research and training.
Associated technology partner
TELIO was founded in 1998 in Hamburg, Germany, and is the market leaders in Europe and UAE for Inmate Telecommunications Solutions. It includes telephony services and a flexible digital platform for delivering a range of web-based services to offenders (through in-cell TV, kiosks, tablets or other devices) and mobile phone detection and blocking solutions.
TELIO operates in 18 countries, 700 prisons and serves more than 300.000 inmates daily. TELIO Group has subsidiaries in Amsterdam, Madrid, Budapest, Dubai, Liège, Paris, Rome, Bucharest, Bratislava, Zagreb and Rabat.
TELIO solutions eliminate most of the limitations of access to telephony, which prevent inmates from having the desired secure/controlled communications with the outside world and could also be one of the most efficient tools for improving the resocialisation of inmates.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

DIGICOR Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism © 2020-2023 by DIGICOR Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ Project Number 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008330 is licensed under CC BY 4.0