DIGICOR International Conference 2023
In the framework of DIGICOR Digitalisation in Corrections towards Recidivism Reduction, the DIGICOR Conference, held in Lisbon (Portugal) on the 19th and 20th of April 2023, focused on how the digitalization of prison and probation processes can contribute to reducing recidivism.
19th April 2023
09:00 ― Welcome Session
Pedro das Neves
(IPS_Innovative Prison Systems)
Luís Guedes
(DGRSP – Directorate General of Reinsertion and Prison Services)
09:15 ― Opening keynotes
Simon Bonk
(Former CIO of the Canadian Correctional Service; Chair of the ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association Technology Solutions Network; Board member of the CTA Corrections Technology Association; Head of Research Telio Group)
Rhianon Williams
(Bremen Ministry of Justice)
Andrada Istrate
(European Strategies Consulting)
11:15 ― Panel I: Digital Innovation in prisons
Simon Bonk
Steven Van de Steene
(SMART Corrections Consulting, board liaison of the ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association Technology Solutions Network)
Hakan Klarin
(CIO of the Swedish Correctional Service, expert of the Council of Europe CP-CP on the regulation of AI in Criminal Justice)
Pia Puolakka
(Finish Custodial Agency, expert of the Council of Europe CP-CP on the regulation of AI in Criminal Justice)
14:00 ― New frontiers
Marjan Lukavečki
Pedro das Neves
(IPS Innovative Prison Systems)
Nuno Pombo
(BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Lab – Beira Interior University)
Leonardo Conde
(IPS Innovative Prison Systems)
16:00 ― How can technology support rehabilitation?
George Jackson
(former CIO Irish Prison Service)
Oliver Drews
(CEO of TELIO Group)
Steve Doggett
(Probation Systems Consultant, Business Development at Unilink)
James Levy
(Business Development Director at SOCRATES Software)
20th April 2023
09:15 ― Learnings from the implementation of Digital Services in Belgian prisons
Patrick Fransen
(Belgium Prison Service)
10:15 ― Panel II: Innovation in practice
Marjan Lukavečki
Luís Guedes
(DGRSP – Directorate General of Reinsertion and Prison Services)
Fatih Gungor
(Deputy Director General of the Turkish prison service)
Rhianon Williams and Anne Klockmeier
(Bremen Ministry of Justice)
James Levy
(Business Development Director at SOCRATES Software)
11:10 ― Panel III: DIGICOR Partner’s perspective - Digital Scenarios, training and recommendations
Pedro das Neves
(IPS_Innovative Prison Systems)
Luís Guedes
(DGRSP – Directorate General of Reinsertion and Prison Services)
Patrick Fransen
(Belgium Prison Service)
Rhianon Williams
(Bremen Ministry of Justice)
Hayat Yagli
(Kahramanmaras Prison and Detention Houses Staff Training Centre, Kahem, Turkey)
Jorge Monteiro
(DGRSP Portuguese Prison and Probation Service)
Andrada Istrate
(European Strategies Consulting)
12:30 ― Closing session
Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves
(General Director of DGRSP – Directorate General of Reinsertion and Prison Services)

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained in them.

DIGICOR Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism © 2020-2023 by DIGICOR Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ Project Number 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008330 is licensed under CC BY 4.0