Training programme for prison staff


Module I – Digital Systems and Services in Corrections   

  1. Course objectives
  2. Overview of Digital Systems and Services in corrections 
  3. Prison technologies 
  4. Probation technologies  

Module II – Inmate communications  

  1. The importance of inmate’s communications: promoting security and family/community links
  2. Prison telephony: technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices)
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff
  4. Video-calls and video-visitation: technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  5. Advantages for the organisation and staff  
  6. E-mail/text/digital letters: technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  7. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module III – Education, e-learning, and access to online resources  

  1. The importance of prison education
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module IV – Digital self-service solutions  

  1. The importance of implementing digital inmate self-service solutions 
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module V – Training and treatment using Virtual and Augmented reality  

  1. VR and AR for training and treatment in prisons 
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  3. Training of staff 
  4. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module VI – Videoconference with courts

  1. The importance of videoconference with courts
  2. Technologies and trends  (Including the description of cases)
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module VII – Telemedicine

  1. The importance telemedicine and e-health in corrections
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices)
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module VIII – Offender and Case Management Systems 

  1. The use offender and case management systems in prisons and probation 
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of examples) 
  3. Mobility solutions to support staff operations 
  4. Ethical concerns and regulations Chapter 5: Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module IX – Electronic monitoring in prisons and probation

  1. The need for offender monitoring in prison and probation contexts 
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of cases and possible delivery devices) 
  3. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module X – Smart Prisons and digital transformation in corrections 

  1. The discussion on “smart prisons”? 
  2. The integration of digital technologies and services 
  3. Examples of “smart prison” initiatives 
  4. Designing a digital transformation strategy

Module XI – Artificial Intelligence in corrections  

  1. The use of artificial intelligence in prisons and probation 
  2. Technologies and trends (including the description of examples)
  3. Ethical concerns and regulations 
  4. Advantages for the organisation and staff

Module XII – Train the trainer programme

  1. Who should participate in the training 
  2. How to animate the online blended learning and online training sessions  
  3. How to use the resources made available by the DIGICOR project 
  4. Training evaluation

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The focus of this programme is to support prison officers and education staff’s digital readiness and ability to successfully interact, use and promote technological solutions in inmate education/employability and digital literacy/social inclusion. 

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained in them.

DIGICOR Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism © 2020-2023 by DIGICOR Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ Project Number 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008330 is licensed under CC BY 4.0